Launch Event Participant

Ângela Lucia Silva Figueiredo

Associate Professor II at the Center for Arts, Humanities and Letters, Universidade Federal Recôncavo da Bahia

Daniel HoSang

Associate Professor of Ethnicity, Race, & Migration and American Studies, Yale University

Eliah Bures

Senior Fellow, Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies and JRWS Managing Editor

Eliah Bures is a historian and editor. He is a former postdoctoral fellow in Spain and is currently a senior fellow at UC Berkeley’s Center for Right-Wing Studies. A specialist in social theory, cultural criticism, and intellectual history, Eliah is also a cofounder and Managing Editor of the Journal of Right-Wing Studies. He has published peer-reviewed academic articles as well as popular essays in publications such as Foreign Policy and the Los Angeles Review of Books. Eliah's academic writing focuses on fascism, radical conservatism, and the European New Right,...

Lawrence Rosenthal

JRWS Editor-in-Chief and Chair of the Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies

Lawrence Rosenthal is Chair and Lead Researcher of the Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for the Study of Social Change for a dozen years before founding the Center in 2009. He has taught at UC Berkeley in the Sociology and Italian Studies Departments and was a Fulbright Professor at the University of Naples in Italy. He has studied the Right in the United States and in Italy and is currently working on a study of the contemporary American Right in comparison to movements of the Right in 20th century Europe. He is the author...

Terri Givens

Professor of Political Science, McGill University and Executive Director of the Edgemakers Institute, San Francisco, California

Troy Duster

Chancellor’s Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, and Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for the History of the Production of Knowledge, New York University