Editorial Board

Ângela Lucia Silva Figueiredo

Associate Professor II at the Center for Arts, Humanities and Letters, Universidade Federal Recôncavo da Bahia

Ângela Lucia Silva Figueiredo is Associate Professor II at the Center for Arts, Humanities and Letters at UFRB. She holds a degree in anthropology from the Federal University of Bahia (1994), a Master's in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (1998), a PhD in Sociology from the Brazilian Society of Instruction-SBI / IUPERJ (2003). She did her Postdoc in 2006 at the University of Virginia (UVA), in the department of African America Studies, and in 2017 at the University of Berkeley, in the department of Ethnic...

Arlie R. Hochschild

Professor Emerita, Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

Arlie Hochschild's most recent research focuses on the rise of the American right—the topic of her latest book, Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right (finalist for the 2016 National Book Award). Based on intensive interviews with Tea Party enthusiasts in Louisiana—who later became ardent supporters of Donald Trump—and conducted over five years, Arlie tried to scale an “empathy wall” to learn how to see, think and feel as they do. She focused on what she...

Carol Mason

Professor of Gender and Women's Studies and English, University of Kentucky

Corey D. Fields

Associate Professor and Idol Family Term Chair in Sociology, Georgetown University

For an up-to-date profile, please visit Professor Corey D. Fields' faculty page.

Craig Reinarman

Professor of Sociology and Legal Studies Emeritus, University of California, Santa Cruz

Eliah Bures

Senior Fellow, Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies and JRWS Managing Editor

Eliah Bures is a historian and editor. He is a former postdoctoral fellow in Spain and is currently a senior fellow at UC Berkeley’s Center for Right-Wing Studies. A specialist in social theory, cultural criticism, and intellectual history, Eliah is also a cofounder and Managing Editor of the Journal of Right-Wing Studies. He has published peer-reviewed academic articles as well as popular essays in publications such as Foreign Policy and the Los Angeles Review of Books. Eliah's academic writing focuses on fascism, radical conservatism, and the European New Right,...

Elliot Y. Neaman

Professor of History and Program Director in European Studies, University of San Francisco

Fabian Virchow

Professor of Social and Cultural Sciences and Head of Research on Right-wing Extremism, Hochschule Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences

Harry G. Levine

Professor of Sociology Queens College, City University of New York

Joseph Lowndes

Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon